Altär Audio Production
My Projects
Project Summary
Skills Applied
Project 1- Create a website describing what your PTE subject is, where you can go to learn more about it and what careers there are in your subject.
Website creation started on September 17th, and continued until October 2nd. There are 8 pages. ( 1 home page, 2 main pages, 3 sub pages, and 2 miscellaneous pages)
Whole site completion (both desktop and mobile) took 2 weeks and 1 day.
ICXHi05 - Develop, administer and maintain Web applications.
-ICXHi05.05.01.04 - Identify cross-platform issues.
-ICXHi05.02.01.03 - Apply color theory to select appropriate colors.
ICXHi06 - Design, create and publish a digital communication product based on customer needs
-ICXHi06.01.01.04 - Select the media elements (e.g., sound, video, graphics, text, motion graphics) to be used.
-ICXHi06.03.01.02 - Apply principles and elements of design.
Project 2- Timeline describing the history of electronic music from 1964 to present.
Started timeline on October 3rd, finished October 16th. Website entry started on October 22nd, and finished on November 5th. Sources entry started on November 6th and finished the next day.
ARAP05 - Understand aural examples from various repertoires of music representing diverse styles, genres, cultures, and historical periods.
-ARAP05.01.03 - Demonstrate the ability to recognize music from historical periods.
-ARAP05.01.01 - Comprehend and arrive at an aesthetic perception of different pieces of music from diverse cultures.
Projects 3, 4 and 5- 3 different stage designs for 1, 2 or 3 people
Started 1 person design on November 12th, completed on December 4th. Started 3 person design on December 5th, and completed it on January 7th. Started 2 person design on January 8th and completed it on January 17th.
ARAP01.01.02 - Apply knowledge of audio equipment for productions, including basic recording equipment, equalizers, mixing consoles, and quality monitoring equipment.
ARAP02.01.03 - Apply knowledge of control peripherals used for editing.
ARAP03.01.03 - Apply knowledge of wireless and wired transmission systems.
ARAP02.01.01 - Understand the basic functions and resources for editing.
ARAP03.01.06 - Demonstrate how to troubleshoot audio system operations.