Altär Audio Production
Stage Design Model Projects
The Stage Design Projects are 3 different CAD renderings of stage designs, complete with instruments showing setups for one artist, 2 artists or 3 artists. All of the renderings were done on a CAD program called SketchUp. These three projects show the versatility of the same basic equipment:
- Native Instruments Maschine Mark 2, in Black and White
- Native Instruments Kontrol Z1
- Ableton Push 2
- Novation Launchkey 61
- Novation XioSynth 25
- Access Virus Ti2 Polar
- M-Audio Oxygen 25
- Yamaha CP33
- Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61
- Roland SPD-SX
- Roland V-Drums
- A standard drumkit with a Roland SPD-SX (More specifically the Dw Drumkit model)
All of the stage shapes are custom-made by me with ergonomics and ease of use in mind. Each stage took roughly a week to 10 days to properly set up and put together. All image carousels go from left to right.